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Activities of District Cooperative Office, Habiganj At a Glance: 01. Total number of primary societies = 1220. 02. Total number of Members of the Societies = 5336. 03. Number of Fisheries Cooperative Societies = 360. 04. Number of fishermen in Fisheries cooperatives = 964 people. 05. Number of newly registered co-operatives = 18. 07. Cancellation of Invalid Cooperative Societies = 0 07. Share Capital Received = 998.84 (Lakhs Tk.) 06. Paid Savings Deposit = 496.08 (in lakhs) 09. Disbursement of loan from the own funds of the societie = 1445.62 (in lakhs of rupees). 10. Amount of Loan Recovery = 1360.8 (in lakhs of rupees) 11. Creation of employment through Samiti = 2175 people 12. Collection of government revenue audit fee = 3.12 (in Lakhs Tk.) 13. Number of trained co-operatives = 400 people 14. Total number of Ashrayanr projects = 14 15. Number of cooperative societies having Projects = 19. 16. Number of Beneficiaries receiving loan = 69 people. 17. Amount of Loan disbursement = 17932500 / - 18. Amount of loan repaid = 7.69 (Lakhs Tk.) 19. Development of the life component of a small ethnographic community through cooperatives Number of upazilas covered = 01, Bahubal, Habiganj. 20. Number of co-operative societies under the project = 10 21. Number of members of the societies under the project = 500 people. 22. Collected savings deposit = 0.4 (Lakhs Tk.). 23. Number of loan beneficiary members = 160. 24. Amount of loan disbursed among the members = 22.7 (Lakhs Tk.). 25. Amount of loan recovered = 2.95 (Lakhs Tk.). 26. Collection of Cooperative Development Fund = 1.09 (Lakhs Tk.)
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS